Ryan Woodward 2D animation and Figure Drawing
Website: ryanwoodwardart.comFigure Drawing: conteanimated.com
Vimeo Page: http://vimeo.com/woodward/videos
Facebook: http://facebook.com/RyanJeremyWoodward
Bottom of the Ninth Animated Graphic Novel: http://www.bottom-of-the-ninth.com/
Ryan Woodward has been a full time faculty member in the department of Visual Arts/Animation since 2003. His professional background includes artistic contributions on Hollywood productions such as The Avengers (2012), Cowboys and Aliens, Iron Man 2, Spider-man 2&3, The Iron Giant, Space Jam and the list goes on. He has also been actively involved in short film productions, one of which includes his award winning success, Thought of You, a contemporary dance animation that has taken him all over the world.
Beautiful, Elegant Lines and Rhythm capture and enhance the beauty of human body figures and dance in motion, Use of Smears and Multiples to create morphing of the figure into imaginative form.
Thought of You
Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.
18 seconds version: http://vimeo.com/50119345
Behind the scene Making of Thought of You
Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.
Google - Martha Graham
Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.
Baseball, Animated Comic, Apps
Bottom of the Ninth Animated Graphic Novel App Trailer
His Baseball Graphic Novel now is transforming into 2D and 3D animated Comic Version
Bottom of the Ninth - post issue #1 video
Bottom of the Ninth - post issue #1 video from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.
Bottom of the Ninth - What is it?
Bottom of the Ninth - What is it? from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.
Fight Action, Morphing
Dark Fairies
2D Visual Effects, FX
Traditional EFX Reel
Traditional EFX Reel from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.
Motion Graphic
The Turtle and The Shark